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I believe and trust that change is at hand. A vail has lifted and the whole Universe of Love and Expansion is supporting our efforts for freedom, peace and equality.


We have the power to become what we are longing for as individual and collective. And we have help all around us. To call in help, we have to make the first step.  


With acknowledging other lifeforms on earth and beyond, making them our equals, creating friendships and forging alliances we open our souls heritage and own our light.

X Anne


Visionary art

Visionary art intents to transcend the physical world and aims to portray a wider vision of awareness. The artist functions as a bridge and gives form to a reality, which is at that moment not a collective reality. New expanded awareness, can enter the collective and become common knowledge and ability. 


I studied Graphic Design / Monumental Art at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy and was pursuing an artistic career when my inner perception shifted to the energy body by a sudden Kundalini Awakening. I stepped out of the art establishment and started to focus on Kundalini Yoga while slowly building up a whole new visual language matching my inner perception.


Yoga became my backbone and bridge to other dimensions, timelines and people. Astrology, the Mayan Calendars and Tarot are my main mind-tools for extensive research and investigation into the symbolic language and collective myth of our world soul.


Next to creating Art, I provide sessions that investigate the cultivation of organic light and the harvest of creative soul energy. I combine yogic tools and shamanic methodes. It’s all about sharing the magic of natural alignment and inter connectedness.


Since 2011 I'm offering courses around this investigation at the Amsterdam University of Arts at the department of SNDO (School for New Dance Development).

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Self made  Egg Tempera 

I use eco friendly materials  with low waist. For example: Egg Tempera is made from pigment, egg jolt, water and some drops of lavender oil. Making it myself creates near to no waist. 

Conscious use of NFT art

I decided to embrace and investigate the new creative possibilities that emerge through the Meta-verse. Knowing that it costs a lot of energy, I also decided to do it in a respectful and contained way. Necessity is important to justify the product.

Just Digg It

With the gainings of the NFT series 'Spirits of the Galaxy' we support Justdiggit - Cooling Down The Planet. With the gaining of other work I concentrate on supporting Animal Rights and Nature Preservation. 

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